General Practice Certificates
Certificate Program in Case Management
The Certificate Program in Case Management has been designed to address the need for extensive training in this practice modality which is used by all social workers and requires specialized skills in the performance of numerous functions. Social workers and other direct service providers working across all areas of human services in which case management is an integral part of client services will have an opportunity to enhance their skills in working with their clients and the systems with which they interact.
Certificates of completion will be offered after each workshop and a final certificate will be awarded when all requirements have been met. All workshops offered in this certificate program are non-clinical. Participants not seeking the full certificate program are welcome to take individual workshops.
To receive the Certificate in Case Management, a participant attends:
5 Required Webinars
2 Elective Webinars
Required Webinars
Building the Helping Relationship
3 CE Hours
- Explore the issues of imbalance in the helping relationship
- Demonstrate the use of open-ended questions, paraphrases, and reflections in interviewing clients
- Describe methods to use empathy in the helping relationship
- Discuss confidentiality in the context of the helping relationship
Comprehensive Assessment and Case Planning (2 days)
6 CE Hours
- Discuss the process of doing a strength-based assessment
- Describe the process of setting long-term and short-term goals
- Describe linkages that are consistent with the assessed needs of the client and appropriate to the case plan
- Demonstrate ability to maintain professional ethics in the case management relationship
- Define measurable components for evaluating the effectiveness of the case plan
Advocacy and Collaborating Skills in Case Management
3 CE Hours
- Identify components of an effective advocate
- Describe the multiple levels of social services and benefits available to clients
- Explore methods of breaking down barriers to service
Improving Networking Skills and Enhancing Inter-agency Relationships
3 CE Hours
- Describe six steps toward building effective networks
- Explore the value of dialogue over discussion when networking
- Describe communication skills needed to work effectively with different agencies
Handling Crisis in Case Management
3 CE Hours
- Distinguish an authentic crisis from chronic problem
- Explain the basic principles of crisis intervention
- Demonstrate methods of assisting clients during crisis
Two electives are required in addition to the required webinars. Some examples:
- Disaster-Planning for Service-Providing Agencies
- Case Plan Essentials
- Case Documentation in Social Work Practice
- The Role of the Case Manager in Working with Child Abuse and Neglect
- Working with Kids and Families in Crisis
Certificate Program in Developmental Disabilities
The Certificate Program in Developmental Disabilities is a joint effort between The Boggs Center on Developmental Disabilities, Rutgers Robert Wood Johnson Medical School, and the Office of Continuing Education at the Rutgers School of Social Work. It is intended to enhance the skills and knowledge of professionals working with people with disabilities in a variety of settings.
Certificates of completion will be offered after each workshop and a final certificate will be awarded when all certificate requirements have been met. All required workshops offered in this certificate program are designed as non-clinical workshops. Participants not seeking the certificate program are welcome to take individual workshops.
To receive the final certificate, a participant must attend:
- 9 Required Webinars
- 3 Elective Webinars
An Introduction to Developmental Disabilities
3 CE Hours
- Identify the disabilities covered under federal and state definitions
- Explore eligibility for services and the service systems utilized
Starting Out: From Diagnosis through Early Childhood
3 CE Hours
- Discuss issues in diagnosis and identification
- Locate and access developmental and educational services
Supporting Youth with Disabilities in the Transition to Adult Life
3 CE Hours
- Identify the challenges faced by youth
- Discuss a variety of strategies to facilitate the transition process
Community Services and Supports: Evolving Approaches
3 CE Hours
- Describe the evolution of consumer-directed services
- Identify various techniques used in assisting people with life planning
Growing Old Together: Aging and Family Caregiving
3 CE Hours
- Discuss the issues of aging with a developmental disability
- Explore strategies for supporting family caregivers
Disability Policy Issues
3 CE Hours
- Describe the importance of major federal and state disability legislation
- Discuss future trends and directions in disability policy
Legal and Ethical Issues
3 CE Hours
- Identify major ethical issues
- Develop strategies for resolving legal and ethical dilemmas
Multicultural Perspectives in Developmental Disabilities
3 CE Hours
- Explore values and belief systems of ethnic groups
- Implement techniques to overcome barriers
Supporting Families Through Change
3 CE Hours
- Identify crisis points for the family from diagnosis to adulthood
- Explore effective support strategies for families
Three electives are required in addition to the required workshops.
Some Examples:
- Health and Wellness
- Understanding and Managing Problem Behaviors
- Mental and Behavioral Health Aspects of Dual Diagnosis (MI/DD)
- Children’s Mental Health and Developmental Disabilities
Certificate Program in Non-Profit and Public Management
Inspired by the work of the Dean of the School of Social Work, Richard Edwards, as well as many experienced faculty and leaders, this Certificate Program is designed to build and enhance the knowledge, skills and competencies of current and future leaders of nonprofit and public human service organizations and to assist them in strategically managing the many challenges presented in today's human services environment. The nonprofit and public management courses/ workshops are not approved for NBCC continuing education credit as they do not fit into an approved NBCC content area.
Individual workshops can be taken by participants not seeking the full certificate program.
To receive the Certificate in Nonprofit and Public Management, a participant attends:
5 Required Webinars
3 Elective Webinars
Required Webinars
Essential Attributes of Leadership
3 CE Hours
- Define leadership and examine different theories of leadership
- Describe the roles, functions, values and ethics of leadership
- Explain the required knowledge, skills and abilities of leadership
- Distinguish different styles of leadership
- Understand emotional intelligence
Human Resources Management
3 CE Hours
- Discuss strategies to recruit and retain the high quality workforce
- necessary to assure the success of their organizations
- Identify ways to maintain a discrimination and harassment free environment
- Promote and enhance the skills & abilities of employees by creating systems and procedures that maximize productivity and lifelong learning
- Identify the key components of Human Resource Management (including recruitment, performance evaluation, benefits and compensation)
- Explore ethical issues in human resource management
Management of Budgeting and Finance
3 CE Hours
- Describe function and types of budgets
- Analyze spending plans
- Describe the importance of a business plan
- Evaluate key financial documents
- Identify essential internal controls necessary to assure the financial integrity of the organization
Managing Change
3 CE Hours
- Discuss the evolving social service marketplace and the impact of changes in public policy, demographics, economics, and other environmental factors on social service organizations
- Describe theories of organizational change and their applicability to social service organizations
- Analyze strategies for overcoming resistance to change
- Assess ways to implement change that are consistent with organizational mission, vision and values
Strategic Management
3 CE Hours
- Identify the benefits of strategic management as a tool for balancing competing values
- Differentiate between strategic planning and strategic management
- List the major elements of strategic management
- Construct alternative content-related and process outcomes for an organization
Three electives are required in addition to the required webinars. Some examples:
- Fundraising
- Public Relations & Marketing
- Working with Boards
- Grantwriting
- Managing Information Technology
- Managing for Results
- Public Governance